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More regulation will get more people into crypto: ETHAX

By CryptoVista Staff
May 5, 2022 0

A new, UK-based crypto brand, ETHAX, has pointed to YouGov research that suggests that a lack of regulation is the only thing holding a lot of investors back.

YouGov is a market research firm based in the UK. For this research, it surveyed 2,116 adults and found that 75 per cent of adults are leery of crypto because of a lack of regulation and unproven returns. There are currently very few regulated cryptocurrency projects: just 0.01 per cent, in fact.

This is the opportunity that ETHAX sees in the market. The company was only launched in 2021, but believes that its machine learning technology, secure regulation and easy entry and exit levels will help it find an audience among those concerned with regulation.

“We have always known there is a massive potential for a crypto brand that instils legitimacy, quality and accessibility at the heart of its services and products, and this research shows there is a much-needed alternative to unregulated brands alienating potential new investors from the industry,” Dan Da Rosa, CEO and co-founder of ETHAX, said in a release.

“We are excited to launch a unique licensed and regulated platform that opens up the crypto market to new investors whilst offering a trustworthy, technology-driven, professional platform.”

There is no doubt that the data being cited here needs to be taken with a grain of salt: It’s market research rather than neutral statistical research, and ETHAX clearly has a vested interest in promoting regulated crypto.

However, the positive potential of regulated crypto is a hot topic in the UK at the moment. Just a few days ago, the BBC reported on the push to use regulated crypto, R & D, and other blockchain-based innovations to help drive growth in the lower-income parts of the UK.


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